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即日起至8月11日止 (即甲辰年七月初八日止), 于办公时间内, 接受奉主人士及各界善信报名参加.


The registration to participate in the above ceremonies is open from now till 8th day of the 7th “Lunar Month” (11 August 2024).  Please register during office hours. 



Learning Journey Booklet.



Important Notice 





08julAll DayGround breaking for renovation

20julAll Day新加坡修德善堂養心社恭護宋大峰祖師,大二師童百年金像聖駕莅臨印尼吉里汶峇來坡同心善社

20julAll Day新加坡修德善堂養心社恭護宋大峰祖師,大二師童百年金像聖駕莅臨印尼吉里汶峇來坡同心善社

22julAll Day修德善堂百年金像出遊峇來同心善社恭迎聖駕回鑾


Toa Payoh Seu Teck Sean Tong (TPSTST) was established in 1942 and founded by a group of worshippers who respect and believe in our Grand Master Song Da Feng. Over the years, the Temple’s directors, staff, worshippers and supporters have always adhered to Grand Master Song Da Feng’s Principle of Charitable Deeds, for a Charitable Temple and continuously and actively supported various charitable activities.

Since the establishment of the Temple, all members have generously supported the victims and casualties of natural disasters, wars, accidents, plague, fire disasters, floods and all kinds of distress; as this is our belief in the teaching of Happiness from Charitable, Compassionate and Courageous Acts. In the promotion of this teaching TPSTST continuously contributes to charitable deeds to our society and also shares with all the precious values of Kindness, Sincerity, and Goodness thereby propagating our Temple’s tradition, heritage and culture!

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Our Grand Master

Grand Master Song Da Feng is an eminent monk from the Song Dynasty. His birth place was in Wenzhou Prefecture, Zhejiang Province in AD 1039, during the second year of the reign of Emperor Song Ren Zong. He was born to an aristocratic family and his secular name was Lin Ling E. He was bright and had a passion for studies. He was a successful candidate in the Imperial Civil Service Exams and gained the title of Jin Shi. Following that he was appointed as the county magistrate of Shaoxing County, Zhejiang Province. As an official, he was virtuous, upright, fair and benevolent to his people. During his time in office however, the Imperial Government was incompetent, weak and corruption was widespread. Unwilling to join their league, he resigned from his post and became a monk.

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